My Story
*The Real Deal*
For my entire life every time someone has seen or noticed the hard work it’s taken to do whatever I was doing at the time it’s always meant the most when they’d tell me that I was the ‘Real Deal’. From the show pen to my workshop my life has never been one that went the easy way. Growing up my parents couldn’t buy the nice horse or pay the expensive trainers so I was the kid washing others horses and cleaning their stalls to get to go with the show string to the big shows. I bought my first horse with any money I gather at the age of 9. He was a 2 yr old w no training. Took me a year to pay the $150 that he cost and he was the Perfect horse to start me down the path that has dominated my life. The horses that came after him were each very special and allowed me to become the focused competitor that I did. As a kid going down the road with a trailer that my dad made for me and a camper in the back of our truck it was always my dream and they helped me make it happened. I showed and rode with the best and learned to be a strong competitor right along next to them in many different events.
Then while spending most of my life on a horse and with dogs I found myself, at one point, looking for chaps that would show my individuality and sense of style for the cutting pen but when they just didn’t seem to exist. Instead of saving for a set of chaps that wouldn’t be exactly what was in my mind a trip to a Tandy store 2 hours away from the 47,000 acre cattle ranch we lived on, started was what has become this chapter of my life. Teaching myself to use a handful of tools at the kitchen table led to my first “industrial” sewing machine which has led to many more tools. Next came teaching myself to solder and engrave silver with the help of how to videos and a LOT of practice. Stoneware tile, mosaics, ceramics, glass, silver clay, enamel, and painting are some of the things that have followed the leather and silver work with no idea what might be around the next corner.
The people, animals and stories that have taken place through all of this are what have made me the ‘Real Deal’ and what have led to the creative vision you see in all of my work. Not to mention a lifetime of influences from jewelry store management to mucking stalls, gathering cattle and my love for fashion. It’s all part of what you see in my one of a kind pieces. My background in the show pen (whether with dogs or horses) is always present and my designs are subtle but give a nod to western tradition as well as the 4 corners area where I grew up and find myself lucky enough to be again. I love being able to blend some of the Native American techniques with a Western flare. A shop full of tools and a mind that never stops make this a great life that offers many creative rewards.
Always in awe of what takes place and how things unfold I will continue to expand on this and share some of the incredible stories and experiences that have taken place in my shop and through my truly remarkable customers. It’s not a fancy or retail space but a work space where creativity is off the chart most of the time. My toad friends that visit regularly have brought me luck, love and more friendship than could ever have been imagined. There’s no limit to what is possible or to what may happen. You’re welcome to hang and share your stories or take a deep seat and follow along on this Amazing Ride.
My dogs go to work with me in a space that’s as fitted to them as it is to Me. And I get to take care of the ones that I love most so what could be better?
Thanx for taking time to visit my website and wanting to learn more about my process. You are much Appreciated! Denice